Last week we had our Easter Vestry. This is the annual meeting of the church where were elect our office holders for the year ahead, but it’s also an opportunity to look back at the year that has been, and forward to the year ahead.  There is much to be thankful for, and much to be excited about.

I have a list of the office holders below – please do keep them in your prayers as we seek to build community, strengthen worship, and grow in service together.


Rev Rob

Services this Sunday

Here is the list of Service for Sunday 7th May:

8:30am:  Holy Communion. This will be in the Church building.

9:45am:   Sunday Morning in the Gathering Grounds

11:00am: Morning Prayer. This will be in the Church building.

Notes for this Week

Easter Vestry

It was a great turn out at our Easter Vestry!

You might note that our Annual Report is now available for 2022. You can pick up a copy at the Gathering Grounds or in the Church. A full copy of the audited accounts is also available from our treasurer if you wish to receive them (they are also uploaded on the website).

The Select Vestry for 2023 is as follows: Ann Walsh, Jackie Robinson, Una MacConville, Carol Hennessey, Susan O’Toole, Philip McQuestion, Irwin Johnston, Robbie Burns, David Webb (secretary), Gary Colclough (treasurer), Paul Burrell and Ross Lauder.

Church Wardens are Stephen Newell and Fintan Keogh, and Glebe Wardens Bruce Fitzsimons and Neill Goolding. Stepping aside this year from Select Vestry duties are Carol Barry and Christian Kraeft. A big thanks to both of them for all of the work they have done.

Our Diocesan Synod representatives are Mary White, Carol Barry and Jackie Robinson with 3 supplemental: Ann O’Neill, Philip McQuestion and Susan O’Toole.

The parochial nominators are Jonny Holt, Carol Barry, Bruce Fitzsimons and Nick Maxwell, supplemental Philip McQuestion, Susan O’Toole, David Webb and Jackie Robinson.

Save the Date! Kilternan Parish Fete

The annual Kilternan Parish and School Fete will take place this year on Saturday, 20th May from 12 noon until 4pm. As always, we are looking for your help. There are many ways in which you can support the fete. You can see some of those ways on this google form: . Alternatively, you might note the attached file.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer meeting resumes this Wednesday. Join us for a short 25 minutes to pray for the needs of the community at 8pm on zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddler)

We begin our summer block of Play Café this week with Gruffalo inspired trail and activities.  Spaces are available to book via Eventbrite using the link below. We hope to be able to move to our outdoor programme in the coming weeks.

Our Feedback Fortnight form will also be available from Wednesday which can be completed online and anonymously – this is to help us continue with what works well and improve in the areas that need improving.

This week is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week – a week dedicated to highlighting the spectrum of perinatal mental health and how it can affect us all. During the month of May, we will be inviting and encouraging parents to share their personal experiences (details will be in the WhatsApp Group) as we seek to show that no one is alone in suffering with their mental health after having a baby, that each experience is different but that we can all resonate.  Most importantly we want to reassure parents that “you are not alone” and that “we”, as a community are here to support you. For more information contact Lynn 087-6957061

Bumps & Babes

New parents, and parents to be, are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company at the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am. An informal friendly meet-up where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community. So, if you are expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend.  A warm welcome awaits you