On Sunday we read the passage of Jesus on the road to Emmaus with the two disciples. It’s from Luke chapter 24: 13-35. The resurrected Jesus appears to them, but their eyes are blind to his identity. As he walks with them, he teaches from scripture, but it’s not until he breaks bread that they recognize who he is.

At that point he disappears, and the disciples say those wonderful words: ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road’.

What makes your hears burn within you? As we continue to grow as a parish, my prayer is that our hearts burn with us to deepen our faith and to share the good news of Jesus with the world.


Rev Rob

We ‘well done’ to our confirmation candidates who were confirmed on Saturday: Andrew, Conor, Elena, Ella, James, Josh, Max, Megan, Pia, Rachel, and Sebastian

Services this Sunday

Here is the list of Service for Sunday 30th April:

8:30am:  Holy Communion. This will be in the Church building.

9:45am:   Sunday Morning in the Gathering Grounds

11:00am: Morning Prayer. This will be in the Church building.

Notes for this Week

Easter Vestry: Date for your Diary

Tuesday (25th April) at 8pm is the date for Easter Vestry.  This is an important meeting of the church community, and we welcome all members of the parish, both those who are new and those who are long serving.

There are a number of functions at an Easter Vestry. Part of it is about looking back and the year that has been. We will be presenting our newly published Annual Report which shares some of the achievements of 2022. But is also about looking ahead. We will be electing our Select Vestry for 2023, but we will also be talking about a few of our priorities in the year ahead. We will be reflecting on 5 needs across our community: the need to keep, reach, serve, nurture, and transform.

Maybe you think an Easter Vestry isn’t for you. Can I challenge you to reconsider? It really is for everyone who cares about the health of our beloved parish. Hope to see you there.

Save the Date! Kilternan Parish Fete

The annual Kilternan Parish and School Fete will take place this year on Saturday, 20th May from 12 noon until 4pm. As always, we are looking for your help.  There are many ways in which you can support the fete. You can see some of those ways on this google form: https://forms.gle/WNAcqoHAMRNXt5uN7 . Alternatively, you might note the attached file.

Tuesday Service at 11:30

We will meet at 11:30 in the Meeting Room for a short service of worship this Tuesday.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer meeting resumes this Wednesday. Join us for a short 25 minutes to pray for the needs of the community at 8pm on zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85447977275?pwd=VGV2QkwvQU9qREc4L2prOVhFdWlPZz09

Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outdoors With Toddlers)

Play Café is back this Wednesday at 10am. We had hoped to bring back our OWT! (Outside With Toddlers) Programme this week, however the forecast is not looking wonderful, so we may need to be indoors another week. We will finish April out with some more Spring themed sensory and messy play.  We are fully booked this week; however, you can join the cancellation by contacting Lynn directly. A new Eventbrite link will go live later in the week for our summer block. We also have a Feedback Fortnight to help us continue with what works well and improve in the areas that need improving – more details to follow. Lynn 087 6957061

Bumps & Babes

If you are a new parent, or parent to be, you are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company in the Gathering Grounds from 10am on Wednesday. The informal friendly meet-up is a space where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community.  So, if you are expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you and there is no need to book. For more information contact Julie gatheringgrounds@kilternanparish.ie or Lynn 087 695 7061