Dear Beloved Community, Mother Teresa is attributed to the following quote: “I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.” These are...
Dear Beloved Community, This is a transitional week for many. The summer holidays are over (although as someone reminded me recently, ‘the weather always picks up when school starts’). For many it’s...
Dear Beloved Community, During the summer, the gospel readings reflect references in John of Jesus as the ‘bread of life’. These are phenomenal statements. By equating himself to bread, Jesus is...
Dear Beloved Community, It was a joy to attend the ordination of the Revd Caroline, the Revd Mike Buchanan and the Revd Mathew McCauley to the priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral yesterday. It’s...
Dear Beloved Community, With great excitement, we welcome Reverend Rob back from his sabbatical, today! He dipped his toe in on Saturday when he came along to the Fête and briefly played some...
Dear Beloved Community, On Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, the day when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. It’s a day of celebration and a day of challenge. It’s a day of praise...
Dear Beloved Community, In our Gospel reading on Sunday, John 17:6-19 when we read John’s account of Jesus, knowing He would be leaving His disciples, praying to God in their presence. Jesus wants his...
Dear Beloved Community, In our Gospel reading on Sunday, John 15: 1-8, Jesus describes himself as the true vine, his Father (God) gardener, and his disciples as the branches; they are to remain...
Dear Beloved Community, On Sunday, we had the pleasure of hearing Ruth Gyves speak at some of our services, on the Gospel reading. In this passage found in Luke 24.36b-48., it’s the night of Jesus’...