Homepage 4 Groups

Music Groups 

We celebrate music of all types, from contemporary worship, to traditional, to Taizé.

Church Choir

Thanks to the musical talents of Kevin O’Sullivan our Musical Director, we are privileged to have a healthy choir, who enrich our worship every Sunday at 11:00. The choir has regular practices on Tuesday evenings. As well as weekly worship the choir often participate in one off choral events and regular social activities through the year. We are frequently looking to add new members to the choir and there is no minimum commitment.

Rehearsals: Tuesdays 8-9:30pm; Sundays 10:15am.

Junior Choir

At 9:45am and at our all-together services, worship is led by the junior choir. This is made up of primary school children and is well cherished within the church. Junior choir members practice on Tuesday afternoon from 3:15-4:15pm. As well as contributing on Sundays, the junior choir enjoy an annual BBQ and Movie night in the rectory. If you have a child who is in 2nd class or above, and would like to get involved in the Junior Choir we’d love to here from you.

Rehearsals: Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm. 2nd Sunday: 9:15pm. 4th Sunday: 10:15am

Youth Choir

Starting in September 2023 we are launching a new Youth Choir for teens and we look forward to expanding this Youth Ministry. Rehearsals start on Tuesdays in September from 7-8pm & the choir will sing at worship twice a month.

Worship Team

As well as the choirs, there are a number of informal worship team members who help our worship at our Sunday Night at the Gathering Grounds and Sundays at 9:45 services. If you would be interested in playing music, singing or production please contact Kevin at music@kilternanparish.ie

Kids & Baby Groups 


Play Café

Play Café Gets OWT! The OWTdoor part of Play Café Gets OWT! Outdoors With Toddlers. We hope to begin to move as many of our sessions back to the outdoors over the course of the Spring block as the weather improves.

You are always sure of a warm welcome and lots of fun at Play Café Gets OWT! and we are always delighted to see both new and familiar faces. As we will have some messy activities (messtivties!) , please come dressed for the mess! (you may consider bringing a change of clothes for your little one. Activities each week are linked to a book/theme with a variety sensorial, messy play, art and loose parts activities and almost always our homemade playdough. We finish our time together with story and song time.

We have a limited number of places available each week and we ask that you pre-book your family space via our parish calendar here.

If you would like to consider volunteering to help weekly or monthly to run Play Café  you can find our more at any of the days or sign-up here to discuss how you can help. 


Bumps & Babes 

We have a Bumps and Babes group meeting every Wednesday morning from 10am. If you are a new parent, or parent to be, you are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company, on the couches in the Gathering Grounds at Kilternan Parish Centre. The informal, friendly meet-up is a space where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from new born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. An opportunity to meet other parents in the community

Messy Church 

Through the year we run Messy and Muddy Church which have proven hugely popular and often get booked out so keep track of upcoming dates via our parish calendar here.

Kilternan Church of Ireland National School.

Nestled in the foothills of the Dublin Mountains, Kilternan Church of Ireland National School, fondly known KCOINS, is no stranger to the landscape. The history of our school dates back to 1824 when the Parishes of Kilternan and Kilgobbin were united. This pre-dates the National Education in Ireland act of 1831.

Now 195 years later Kilternan Church of Ireland National School has grown to a school of 211 pupils, 14 teachers, 6 SNAs and a full-time secretary. We continue to grow as a school as we serve the needs of our community.

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive, happy, child-centred school. Our approach to teaching and education allows and encourages each of our pupils to learn at their own pace and to develop to their full potential. 


Large numbers of children visit the Church and Centre for worship, Messy Church, Sunday Club, and a wide range of other recreational and educational purposes each week. The Church’s ministry to them is a priority for the Parish. Safeguarding Trust means that our children are protected from all kinds of abuse, and that the parish is consciously promoting their general safety and welfare and you can view our full Safeguarding policies and contact information here


Youth Groups


Youth Nights

This is an informal youth group for secondary school students (1st to 5th year) meeting on the 3rd weekend of the month for our themed nights as well as a range regular outings and other activities. If you or your teen would like to be part of our youth group you can visit the youth page for more information and upcoming dates here or ontact KYM@kilternanparish.ie.

Sunday Club 

Sunday club runs at our 9.45am Family Service and 11am All Together Services and run by our team of vetted Sunday Club leaders.  Its open to all children of primary school age (have a chat with a leader if you have a 4-year-old who isn’t at school yet but you think is mature enough). The Sunday club is divided into two groups. The ‘Pebbles’ who are the junior Sunday club, and the ‘Rocks’ who are the older kids. There will be a mix of games, stories, challenges and activities with an emphasis on learning through play. To find our more contact CFM@kilternanparish.ie.

If you would like to consider volunteering to help weekly or monthly to run our Sunday Club or Youth Nights you can register here and we can discuss how you might be able to help. 


Prayer Groups

Prayer Support

If you would like a prayer appointment with 2 people on the Kilternan Prayer Ministry Team, please email rector@kilternanparish.ie to book a slot.

Prayer Resources – https://www.ireland.anglican.org/prayer-worship

There are lots of useful resources on the Church of Ireland website including a link to the Daily Worship App 

27-7 Prayer – https://www.24-7prayer.com/ 

Prayer is an international, interdenominational prayer movement, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop prayer.

Thy Kingdom Comehttps://www.thykingdomcome.global/.

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. 

Social Groups

The Coffee Run
Almost every school day of the year between 8.30am and 9.30am you’ll find 5 to 30+ parents popping in for a coffee especially on Fridays. If you’re new to the area pop in for a coffee and chat to meet neighbours and fellow parents in the community.  

Mind Matters

We are working alongside the Church of Ireland’s Mind Matters Initiative to raise awareness of, and respond to the mental health needs of our community.  You can read more about Mind Matters here: https://mindmatters.ireland.anglican.org/

Kilternan Men 
Kilternan’s 40+ 40-somethings dads can often be found sipping coffee in the Gathering Grounds each morning from 8.30am to 9.15am in the morning Coffee Run but also meet most months in the Step Inn or Framer Brownes.  When not engaging in their favourite pastime they also actively volunteering with our social ministries in the parish, and helping and hosting events for the kids and youth groups, as well as with some of the heavy lifting at our parish events and parish clean-up days. 

Craft Nights @ The Gathering Grounds

A craft night happens on the second Friday of the month in the Gathering Grounds at 8pm. This is a time for conversation, coffee and crafts. The craft night is an open door policy.

If you are interested in being involved, chat to Julie Clements at the Gathering Grounds, or check the Gathering Grounds Facebook page here for more information.

Table Tennis

The Kilternan Parish Table Tennis Club meets on Wednesdays 8pm-10.30pm in the parish centre. The club is open to all adults and welcomes new members of all abilities with the emphasis on social play and fun! Please contact Irwin Johnston by email if you are interested in joining at irwinjohnston@gmail.com.

Senior Soup Group @the Gathering Grounds

Every Tuesday from 12 noon there is soup and bread lunch for seniors. This will be held in the Gathering Grounds Café in the Kilternan Centre, a comfortable setting for chat and a bite to eat.To cover the basic cost of food, we suggest a donation of €5, but no one will be turned away if they don’t have money on them.

Kilternan Parish Tennis Club

Tennis has been played in Kilternan Parish for 3 generations. Members enjoy the friendly atmosphere and excellent court facilities which the club offers. The 3 artificial grass courts may be used at any time up to 10 p.m. except during church services. Club play is on Monday mornings (ladies) and Tuesday evenings with social tennis each month. Members also play in various leagues organised by the Dublin Lawn Tennis Council, as well as in the local Ladies’ Charity League. Club championships are held in the autumn and there are various social events through the year. While there are currently no club activities solely for children, junior members may play with their parents or take part in after-school coaching.

Membership is open to individual members or families and further information is available from the KPLTC Hon. Secretary Gillian Fleming on 087 901 2957 or email kilternanparishltc@gmail.com