Dear Parishioners,
Rev. Rob is currently on annual leave – pastoral emergencies are being covered by Rev Cathy Hallissey until the 7 August– you can get her on 01 286 3534 / 086 358 3104.
From the 7th till the 12 August cover will be provided by Rev Sean Hanily 01 282 2803
What are you reading over the summer?
Every edition of KLIPS has a book review section. We thought it might be interesting next edition to invite people to give a short summary of a book they read over the summer that they found interesting or helpful. Short reviews are invited – no more than 150 words. We would need to get them into the parish office by the 31st August.
Sunday Services July / August
Service for Sundays
30 July Rev Terry Lilburn
8:30 Holy Communion 2
11:00 Holy Communion 2
6 August Mrs. Carol Barry
8:30 Morning Prayer 2
11:00 Morning Prayer 2
13 August Rev Fred Appleby
8:30 Holy Communion 2
11:00 Holy Communion 2
Notes for this Week
Gathering Grounds Café takes a Break.
The Gathering Ground Café staff and volunteers take a break over the summer. We will open again on the 14th August 2023