Hi all

A few things for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday at 11:00am: Annual Pet Service in the Gathering Grounds.

Bring your furry friends along for our Pet service this Sunday. All animals are welcome as we give thanks for our pets who offer us so much joy. Please note that there is no 9:45 service

Parish Clean Up Day – Saturday 24th June @ 10am

A parish clean-up day of the parish grounds will take place on Saturday, 24th June.  Meet at the Gathering Grounds at 10am.  Contact the parish office if you can help, remember many hands make light work and your help is greatly appreciated.



Services this Sunday

Here is the list of Service for Sunday 25th June:

8:30am:  Holy Communion.

11:00am: Annual Pet Service in the Gathering Grounds.

Bring your furry friends along for our Pet service this Sunday. All animals are welcome as we give thanks for our pets who offer us so much joy.

Notes for this Week

Parish Clean Up Day – Saturday 24th June @ 10am

A parish clean-up day of the parish grounds will take place on Saturday, 24th June.

Meet at the Gathering Grounds at 10am.  Contact the parish office if you can help, remember many hands make light work and your help is greatly appreciated.

Tuesday Midweek Service

Normally the midweek service is in the meeting room, but with the weather being so warm, we will meet in the church this Tuesday at 11:30am

Wednesday Prayer Service

Unfortunately, the prayer meeting this Sunday clashes with the school Board of Management, so we have to take a pause this Wednesday.  We will meet again on the 28th, which will be our last prayer meeting before the summer break.

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddlers)

We are looking forward to another week outside with a ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ inspired activities. Hopefully there won’t be any ‘stumbling’ and ‘tripping’ but lots of splishing, splashing, sploshing and squelching through or trail, activities and barefoot sensory walk.  We are fully booked, however last-minute cancellations mean spaces become available, so should you wish to join the cancellation list contact Lynn 087-6957061

Volunteers: Have you a free hour and a little energy to spare?  We have a few families joining us each week with toddler twins who would greatly benefit from having an extra pair of hands and eyes during Play Café – if you can buddy with a parent from 10am on Wednesday mornings we would love to hear from you. We would also be delighted if there are any teenagers available who would like to help out.

Bumps & Babes @ Kilternan

If you are expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend to Bumps and Babes. Whether you are tired, in need of some caffeine or in need of a listening ear. As a new parent, or parent to be, you are invited to take some time for yourselves. Come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company in the Gathering Grounds from 10am on Wednesday. The informal friendly meet-up is a space where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community. A warm welcome awaits you and there is no need to book. For more information contact Julie gatheringgrounds@kilternanparish.ie  or Lynn 087 695 7061

Other Happenings

A New Youth Worker

It has taken us some time to appoint a youth worker, but after plenty of prayer and diligence, we are delighted to appoint Ben Patterson. You will hear more about Ben in the days ahead. We look forward to his ministry among us. Keep him in your prayers and give him lots of Kilternan encouragement.

Gathering Grounds Cafe

Every Tuesday we offer soup at the Gathering Grounds Café, but we are now offering sandwiches also! Come along and enjoy!