I hope you had an enjoyable Mothering Sunday. It can be a difficult day for some, but for most of us, it offers an opportunity to show gratitude. We give thanks to our mother, and grandmothers, and the women who have molded us nurtured us, loved us, invested in us. It’s a recognition that we did not arrive where we are today fully formed. Those closest to us have shaped us, and we too participate in the shaping of others – that responsibility is on all of us.
But let me challenge you with two questions this morning? First, who is shaping you? It is important for all of us to have good people in our lives. People who bring out the best in us and help us to be the fullest version of ourselves. If you are surrounded by people and influences who are not, it might be helpful to look for some new life strategies.
Secondly, are we allowing God to shape us? God knows you potential and wished to mold you in such a way that maximises you’re flourishing and the flourishing of those around you. Maybe you could make this your prayer this week: God our faither, God our mother, shape us to become more like you.
Rev Rob
A big thanks to Aisling and all the flower team who provided flowers for all the women in the congregation on Sunday. They were beautiful!
Services this Sunday
Here is the list of Service for Sunday 26 March:
8:30am: Holy Communion. This will be in the Church building.
9:45am: Sunday Morning at the Gathering Grounds: This will be the first time we will break bread together at our 9:45 service. It promised to be special!
11:00am: Holy Communion. This will be in the Church building.
Parking on Sundays
A short note about Sunday parking. We often have a large number of kids at our services on Sunday morning. Parents and carers, please do be mindful that as you leave at 10:45, there are cars arriving for the 11am service. We want to make sure all the little ones are safe.
Also, please do be mindful not to park in the disabled spaces unless you have a physical need to do so. We have a limited number of disabled spaces, and it is important they go to those who need them. Thank you!
Sunday Tea and Coffee Volunteers
Tea and coffee after Sunday morning services has been a wonderful way to grow our community and connection with each other! If you are not on the rota to assist, you might consider getting in touch! Contact Kerrith Fisher at kerrith@dublin.com 086 8830897.
Lenten Compline / Taizé service: 7:30pm this Tuesday.
During lent there will be a short compline service in the church with Taizé music from the choir. Come join us for some quiet moments of prayer and reflection.
The Prayer Course.
Apologies if anyone arrived on Sunday evening for the first time. I had to cancel last minute. We will be on this Sunday at 7:30pm. The topic is contemplative prayer. Hope you can make it.
Prayer Meeting back on this Wednesday.
The online prayer meeting starts again this Wednesday at 8:00. It’s a short service of prayer using the structure of the Late Evening Office. Would love to have you join us –
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85447977275?pwd=VGV2QkwvQU9qREc4L2prOVhFdWlPZz09 Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524
Daffodil Day Coffee Morning
Monique & Billy Tomkins are holding their annual Coffee Morning in aid of The Irish Cancer Society
Friday 24th March 10.00– 12:30 at The Gathering Grounds All Welcome & Bring a Friend!
Come and bring a friend and enjoy delicious treats and cakes. Donation boxes will be available. Online donations also gratefully received via this link:
Kilternan All Mind Matters (Mind, Body and Soul)
Next Monday (27th) at 11am there will be a talk next week by Paul McElwaine on the topic Aging Well.
Play Café Gets OWT! (Outdoors With Toddlers)
We will have a spring in our step this week, whether we are inside or outside ( weather depending). All our sensory, messy and loose part play activities, story and singing will have a spring feel to them. We are fully booked, however, do join the waitlist using the Eventbrite link below, as we have last minute spaces to offer out due to cancellations. For those who did hand/footprint ceramic painted keepsake plates, these are available to collect anytime during the week. All donations made will go to Christian Aid via Bishop’s Appeal for Earthquake Relief in Turkey and Syria. For further information do not hesitate to contact Lynn 087 695 061
https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/play-cafe-gets-owt-outdoors-with-toddlers-spring-tickets-563604394917Bumps & Babes 2023
Bumps and Babes will meet on the couches in the Gathering Grounds from 10am each Wednesday. This is an informal and friendly meet-up, a space where new parents and expectant parents can relax, chat, have a cuppa and meet others from the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. For more information contact Julie gatheringgrounds@kilternanparish.ie or Lynn 0876957061
This year during Holy Week, we are going to journey in our minds to Mount Nebo, where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land before his death. In the church lectionary, we have dipped into the Gospel according to Matthew this year. Matthew presents Jesus as the fulfillment of the long-awaited hopes and dreams of Israel. Although Matthew compares Jesus to many figures, Moses takes a prominent position. The service schedule is as follows:
2 April: Palm Sunday
8:30am: Holy Communion
11:00am: All Together Worship in the Gathering Grounds. Families are welcome for a crafting time beforehand as we make palm leaves for our procession.
Holy Wednesday – 8:00pm: A presentation on the rector’s recent visit to the diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Come and hear some of the issues facing this diocese as we set the rest of Holy Week in context.
Maundy Thursday – 8:00pm: Holy Communion
Good Friday – 8:00pm: Reflection at the Cross
9 April: Easter Sunday
6:30am – Sunrise service at the Leadmines
8:30am – Holy Communion
11:00am – All age worship in the church followed by an easter egg hunt