The third Monday of January has been dubbed “Blue Monday” due to its reputation as the most depressing day of the year. Factors such as dark mornings, post-Christmas blues, failed New Year’s resolutions, cold winter weather, and the end of the Christmas holidays etc. can leave us feeling blue. While the concept of is perhaps pseudoscientific, the idea of this time of year being a particularly difficult day for many people is not.It is important to remember that all emotions are valid, and it is perfectly normal to be feeling down on Blue Monday – or any other day. It can also give us an opportunity to reach out to others and to take care of our mental and emotional well-being. Today (Monday) in the Gathering Grounds, as part of our Kilternan All Minds Matters programme, we are having all sorts of craft activities to encourage people to connect and engage. We are reminded that there is power in connection.
Let me offer you some short words from 1 Peter 5:7 for your thoughts today: “Cast all your anxieties on him [Jesus], because he cares for you.”
Rev Rob
Prayer Course starts this Sunday @ 7:30pm
Building on the success of the Alpha Course, we plan to run the Prayer Course from the 22January. The Prayer Course has been created by 24-7 Prayer. 24-7 Prayer began as one simple prayer meeting in 1999, and is now an international, interdenominational movement, reviving the church and rewiring the culture through non-stop night and day prayer. The course is an eight-week journey running on Sunday evenings that will help us to grow and deepen our prayer life. You don’t need to be an expert on prayer to come along, and we promise no one will be put on the spot and made to feel uncomfortable. You can read more about it here:
Let us know if you would like to participate, or even just come along to the first one and see if it works for you. You can register at or just let the rector know you plan to attend
Prayer Meeting
The online prayer meeting starts again this Wednesday at 8:00. It’s a short service of prayer using the structure of the Late Evening Office. Would love to have you join us – Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524
Tuesday Mid-Week Holy Communion
The service is on this Tuesday at 11:30am in the meeting room. We use the traditional for Holy Communion – all welcome.
Gathering Grounds Support Worker Position
As part of our Strategy and Vision plan 2022 – 2027, we have ambitions to expand the scope of the Gathering Grounds. This week we are advertising a position for a part-time Gathering Grounds Support Worker. The role is initially scoped for up to 16 hours a week (initially a 12-month contract). The normal hours of operation will be Saturday and one other day per week. Additional hours can change weekly depending on need, so some degree of flexibility will be required. You can contact the rector if you would like a full job description.
Play Café Gets OWT!
Play Café will be in the hall this week as we continue with our theme of Wintry Days. (Our OWTdoor part of Play Café is taking a short break and have a period of hibernation for January and February) However, snow has fallen on the small world town and the people are out and about, the diggers and trucks are ready to clear the snow, the melted snowman gloop is waiting for you to play, our loose parts mat will have lots of snowy imaginative play with snowballs to throw and our popular spin art painting will be out too .We are fully booked this week but have a waitlist which you can join by follwing the link below. It only For more information please contact Lynn 087 695 7061 & Babes 2023!
New parents, and parents to be, are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company at the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am. An informal friendly meet-up where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. For more information contact Julie or Lynn