With many voices clamouring for our attention every day, who are we listening to?

During Holy Week, which began yesterday on Palm Sunday, we focus our ears once again to her the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. This is the most important week of the church year, sometimes referred to as ‘The Week of Weeks’.

I invite you to journey Holy Week with us, and to hear the story once again.  This year we will be taken to Mount Nebo, where Moses first saw the promise land. It’s an invitation to reflect on both struggle and hope.  You will find out more about our service below:

I pray for you a blessed week of weeks.

Rev Rob

Services this Sunday and Holy Week

Easter Services of Worship

This year during Holy Week, we are going to journey in our minds to Mount Nebo, where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land before his death. The service schedule is as follows:

Holy Wednesday – 8:00pm: A presentation on the rector’s recent visit to the diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Come and hear some of the issues facing this diocese as we set the rest of Holy Week in context.

Maundy Thursday – 8:00pm: Holy Communion

Good Friday – 8:00pm: Reflection at the Cross

9 April: Easter Sunday

6:30am – Sunrise service at the Leadmines Chimney

8:30am – Holy Communion

11:00am – All age worship in the church followed by an easter egg hunt

Notes for this Week.

Craft for a Cuse

This Tuesday 4th from 10am till noon, we welcome you to drop into the Gathering Grounds Café to make greeting cards for a nursing home resident. No crafting experience is required.

Bible Buddies @ Kilternan

We are delighted to have launched our first Bible Buddies Pack for Easter.  Lots of families and children ‘adopted’, named and have taken home their very own Bible Buddy to care for. The easiest way of doing this is to spend time with your Bible Buddy, while hearing and reading from the Bible. The pack contains an ‘adoption’ certificate, care advice information and a booklet with the Easter Story, telling the events from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday, using age-appropriate language. We look forward to hearing more from our Bible Buddies and, while we hope everyone enjoys reading the Easter Story, that you all also enjoy some adventures together during the break. If you were unable to join us in church on Sunday, you can ‘adopt’ a Bible Buddy during the week – just contact Lynn. If you are away, don’t worry, Bible Buddies are here to stay with another bible reading booklet and buddies to adopt later in the month.

Prayer Meeting not on this Wednesday.

To facilitate our gathering on Holy Wednesday, there is no online prayer meeting this week.

Gathering Grounds Café

The Gathering Grounds Café will be open during Holy Week (3rd to the 8th) from 10 till 2pm.  We will close the following week from the 10th till the 15th,, opening again Monday the 17th

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddlers)

We had hoped for some good weather this week for a Pop-Up Outdoor session; however, mother nature has other plans which means this is no longer possible. However, for those who are interested, we are excited to be able to offer story time and singing in the church for about half an hour starting at 10am. It will be geared towards younger children, but older siblings are more than welcome to come and join in the fun.  If you intend to join us please just send Lynn a text/WhatsApp 087 695 7061 and also let her know if older siblings will be joining. If you expressed an interest to Lynn in our limited edition Easter sensory play packs these will be available to collect from Wednesday morning from the table outside the office.

Bumps & Babes

If you are a new parent, or parent to be, you are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company on the couches in the Gathering Grounds from 10am on Wednesday. The informal friendly meet-up is a space where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community.  So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you and there’s no  need to book. We would also be delighted for anyone with smaller infants and babies to come and join us in the church for story and singing.

For more information contact either Julie  gatheringgrounds@kilternanparish.ie or Lynn 087 695 7061

Youth Ministry Coordinator Position

A partnership between Kilternan Parish and Dublin Glendalough Youth Council (DGYC), seeks to appoint a Youth Ministry Coordinator. The purpose of the role is to develop and support Kilternan Parish’s work with young people and young adults, and to deepen and develop local youth engagement in the surrounding areas, schools, and communities.

The position is for 30hrs per week. Two thirds of this role is dedicated to Kilternan Parish’s

already established youth ministry while one third of the assigned time is to be part of the

DGYC team in the local area. More information can be found on the DGYC website: https://dgyc.org/jobs