Dear Beloved Community,
Sunday passed was the festival of the Baptism of Jesus. During this service we are given an opportunity to remember our own baptism and renew our baptismal vows. It’s a very appropriate thing to do at any time, but especially at the start of a new year.
At this service we commit ourselves to grow in teaching and fellowship, to communal worship, and to prayer. We commit ourselves to proclaiming the good news of Jesus and to justice and peace.
One of the things we take seriously as a church is our commitment to deepening our faith. We call this faith formation, and it happens in lots of ways. For example, 35 of us have just finished an Alpha course exploring the big story of faith. On the 22nd of January we will begin a prayer course (information below). Perhaps you might start the term with a commitment to join us as we grow together.
Rev Rob
Youth Night on the 15th January
We have been in a bit of a pause with our Youth Work since Brian left, but hopefully we can get active again in 2023.
Emma Fawcett, the Dublin and Glendalough Youth Officer has agreed to help us run a Youth Night on the 15th from 7pm till 8:30pm. There will be activities, pizza, and a few words from Brian Hickey who will be our guest for the night. Hope you will come along and help us plan a programme for 2023.
The event is for 1st year and above.
Confirmation 2023
A confirmation date has been confirmed for the 22 April. We have 11 young people signed up so far. There is a short meeting this Sunday at 6:30 for candidates and their parents.
Tuesday Service of Holy Communion at 11:30am
The midweek service starts back on the 10th January.
Prayer Meeting
The online prayer meeting starts again this Wednesday at 8:00. It’s a short service of prayer using the structure of the Late Evening Office. Would love to have you join us – Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524
Craft Night
There will be a craft night this Friday at 8:00pm. We have someone lined up to teach the craft of card making. Please let Julie know at if you plan to attend.
Gathering Grounds Support Worker Position
As part of our Strategy and Vision plan 2022 – 2027, we have ambitions to expand the scope of the Gathering Grounds. This week we are advertising a position for a part-time Gathering Grounds Support Worker. The role is initially scoped for up to 16 hours a week (initially a 12-month contract). The normal hours of operation will be Saturday and one other day per week. Additional hours can change weekly depending on need, so some degree of flexibility will be required. You can contact the rector if you would like a full job description.
Play Café Gets OWT!
Play Café is back this week as we celebrate the start of 2023! Our OWTdoor part of Play Café will take a short break and have a period of hibernation for January and February. For these month we’ll be loacted indoors with our ususal child-led , open ended activities, with opportunities to bring something of nature indoors. This week we will Have some new year and winter themed sensory, messy and loose part activities and an time for the grown-ups to catch up after the break. You can book your family space using the Eventbrite link below from later today. For more information please contact Lynn 087 6957061 & Babes
New parents, and parents to be, are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company at the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am. An informal friendly meet-up where you can relax, chat and meet others in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. For more information contact Julie or Lynn