At our prayer course yesterday evening, we thought about prayer as listening. Too often our prayers turn into lists of requests. There is a place for bring our list to God, but there is also a time for listening. We need to train our ears to hear what God may be telling us.

One of the tools we looked at to enable listening was the ancient art of Lectio Divina. This is a form of bible reading that is designed to encourage listening to God. You might like to give it a go. Start with a few short words of scripture, let’s say John14:6: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’.”

Lectio Divina is described in four main phases:

1. Read and Listen.

2. Meditate. Explore it. No question is off limits. What did the author mean? How does it make me feel? What does it mean to me?

3. Pray and respond. Can you turn this passage into a prayer? What does it bring up for you that you might turn to God.

4. Rest in God’s word. What might God be saying to you from this passage.

Why not have a go at Lection Devina and listen to what God might be saying to you.


Rev Rob

Services this Sunday

Here is the list of Service for Sunday 14th May:

8:30am:  Holy Communion. This will be in the Church building.

9:45am:   Sunday Morning in the Gathering Grounds

11:00am: Morning Prayer. This will be in the Church building.

Notes for this Week

Kilternan Parish Fete

The annual Kilternan Parish and School Fete will take place this year on Saturday, 20th May from 12 noon until 4pm. As always, we are looking for your help.  There are many ways in which you can support the fete.

General Synod 2023

General Synod meets this week (Friday and Saturday) in Wexford. It is a meeting of representatives of all dioceses in the Church of Ireland. The primary purpose of the Synod is to enact legislation for the whole Church of Ireland. Less formal proposals are submitted as motions which, if approved, become resolutions. The Synod also receives reports from various Committees and Boards, which are debated by the members.

Please do bless us with your prayers as we consider the health and wellbeing of the wider church.

You can keep up to date with what’s happening here:

Prayer Course

This Sunday at 7:30 we will have our final prayer course session. Come along as we consider prayer as Spiritual warfare.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Prayer meeting resumes this Wednesday. Join us for a short 25 minutes to pray for the needs of the community at 8pm on zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 687 5936 7864, Passcode: 651021

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddler)

We begin our summer block of Play Café this week with Gruffalo inspired trail and activities.  Spaces are available to book via Eventbrite using the link below. We hope to be able to move to our outdoor programme in the coming weeks.

Our Feedback Fortnight form will also be available from Wednesday which can be completed online and anonymously – this is to help us continue with what works well and improve in the areas that need improving.

This week is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week – a week dedicated to highlighting the spectrum of perinatal mental health and how it can affect us all. During the month of May, we will be inviting and encouraging parents to share their personal experiences (details will be in the WhatsApp Group) as we seek to show that no one is alone in suffering with their mental health after having a baby, that each experience is different but that we can all resonate.  Most importantly we want to reassure parents that “you are not alone” and that “we”, as a community are here to support you. For more information contact Lynn 087-6957061

Bumps & Babes

New parents, and parents to be, are invited to come join us and enjoy a cuppa in company at the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am. An informal friendly meet-up where you can relax, chat, and meet others in the community. So, if you are expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend.  A warm welcome awaits you