Dear Beloved Community,

Psalm 107 starts O give thanks to the Lord, for he is gracious, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

It’s a beautiful psalm, sometimes quoted at the start of a church service. It draws our heart to consider the nature of gratitude.

While basic gratitude is passively evoked by external events, of the exclusively positive variety, the spiritual discipline of gratitude is intentionally chosen, deliberately trained, and exercised in all circumstances. It is not dependent on changing conditions, but on mindset. It is not waited for but pursued. In other words, Gratitude is a Discipline not a feeling. Gratitude is a moral virtue not a mood enhancer.

In short, the spiritual discipline of gratitude leaves behind the realm of simple emotion and instead becomes an attitude, a stance, a way. One that necessitates great effort to develop and maintain – the offering of a sacrifice of thanksgiving on the altar of life.



Service for Sunday 12th November

8:30am:  Holy Communion.

9:45am: Sunday Morning @ the Gathering Grounds.

11:00am: Morning Prayer

Sunday Sermons Available online

We are now starting to upload an audio of the Sunday sermons onto the website. So, it you missed it on Sunday, or if you want to listen again or share with a neighbour, you can access them here – The Sunday sermon will be uploaded the following Tuesday.

The best way to keep in touch with what is happening is on the website. Details here:

Click to view our Upcoming Services

Click to view the full Parish Calendar 

Click to view all Upcoming Events 

Notes for this Week

Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30

Our midweek service meets on Tuesdays. As the weather gets a bit cooler, we will be returning to the Meeting Room rather than in the church. Looking forward to seeing you.

Craft Night @ the Gathering Grounds

November’s craft night is on the 10th November at 8pm. We will be making felt and wool Christmas decorations. Suggested donation is €10. Contact Julie on to register.

Christmas Cards

It may seem early, but these things need planning! Christmas Cards will be on sale in the Gathering Grounds and in the Parish office this week. They are €2 for a single card or €10 for 6. If you have not seen them already, I’d encourage you to have a look. They are stunning images of three of the church-stained glass windows.


We are hard at work on the Winter edition of Klips. If you wish to publish anything, please submit it by Monday the 20th November.

Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddlers)

We are getting ready for our next Play Café on Wednesday 10am-11.30am with all our fun, outdoor (weather permitting) activities themed on CONSTRUCTION – the diggers and trucks and more will be out for sensory, messy and loose part play activities followed by story and singing time!  We have moved our booking system to the parish website events page which should be clear and easy to navigate using the following link. If you miss out on a spot, contact Lynn as spaces do free up with last minute cancellations. Likewise, if you have already booked a space and find you are unable to attend you should be able to cancel using the link in your confirmation email (alternatively send Lynn a text). Please do get in touch if you would like more information. Lynn 0876957061

Bumps & Babes

If you are a new parent or parent to be, come join us to relax and enjoy a cuppa in company at the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday mornings from 10am-11:30am. An informal friendly meet-up where you can chat and meet others in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend.  A warm welcome awaits you, no need to book.  For more information contact Julie

Other Happenings

RESPECT: Eco Event, Dundrum Methodist Church, 11th November 2023, 1:30-4:30 pm

Guest speakers on topics such as Energy Saving Tips, What is my Carbon Footprint, Water Conservation, Leftovers, Minimal Waste and the Air fryer, Home Composting, Waste Reduction, and Gardening in Small Spaces

There will be a “Quiet, Reflective Space”, Information Stands, and Tea/Coffee/Biscuits available all afternoon.

Donations boxes at entrance and at tea/coffee/ biscuits to defray costs.

Dublin and Glendalough launch Diocese of Jerusalem Appeal

The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough have launched an appeal to support the Diocese of Jerusalem in its efforts to deal with the impact of the current war. The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem is home to about 7,000 Anglicans. It is also responsible for more than 30 institutions, including hospitals, schools, clinics and rehabilitation centres which welcome all people regardless of their faith or background. These include Al–Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.

Archbishop Michael Jackson has urged the people of the dioceses and beyond to support this appeal for the Diocese of Jerusalem. He said: “The deepening situation of distress and disintegration of human life and of human dignity in Israel and Gaza deserves our response and our support. I encourage you to contribute to this appeal as generously as possible to address human need and alleviate human suffering”.

You can support the appeal by donating by electronic transfer to: Diocesan Funds of Dublin and Glendalough No 1 A/C Current Account, Bank of Ireland, 2 COLLEGE GREEN DUBLIN 2 IBAN: IE50 BOFI 9000 1769 3548 78, BIC: BOFIIE2D. Cheques may be sent to Diocesan Offices of Dublin and Glendalough, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CF67.

And you can read the full appeal details here:

Stalls at the Christmas Market

The Gathering Grounds is delighted to be holding the Christmas Market on two Saturdays this year!  The 9th and the 16th of December from 12pm – 4pm.  It will be wonderful to share Santa’s Grotto, the market stalls and a festive atmosphere with our community!!

If you would like to book a market stall to sell your goods, there are tables available on the 16th of December.  Julie or email

Sign Up for the Kitchen Table Project

Just half of children growing up in Christian homes keep their faith as adults. That is a difficult statistic to reflect on as we seek to pass on a vibrant faith to the next generation.

This term, we are launching a new initiative in the parish to support family centered faith development. It’s called the Kitchen Table Project.  It’s a simple idea really. It recognizes that mums, dads, grandparents, and carers are the most important influence on children developing a faith that lasts. Faith is nurtured in the home, often around the kitchen table.

What we are planning to do is to send families one resource per week to inspire faith at home. If you would like to sign up you can do so here or please let Lynn of me know and we will get you signed up. We have over 30 families signed up already, but we can have a lot more.

Scam Warning!

I am aware that some parishioners continue to be spammed by someone pretending to the rector of Kilternan.  This is a highly sophisticated scam and has made for an incredibly painful week. 

I might ask you to do a few things.

  1. You will only receive communication from the parish from official email accounts, or or from the rectors mobile 087 149 6605. Be careful of email addresses seeking to closely mimic these.
  2. If you receive any suspicious communication do not answer it.  Check with me directly using official communication if unsure.
  3. Consider reporting and blocking the scammer.

On WhatsApp: When you report someone, WhatsApp will keep track of that user should they get reported numerous times after that. By reporting them, you contribute to a case against them that can ultimately result a user being banned, temporarily or, in extreme cases, permanently –

On Gmail. Please use the block sender function. You can report the person by sending the address of the fraudulent email here –

Sadly, this has become too common an experience for clergy and other persons of public confidence. For more general information on avoiding scams, have a look on the Church of Ireland website:

Notes for th