Dear Beloved Community,

On Sunday I shared my plans to take a short Sabbatical. A Sabbatical is a period during which clergy are released from ministerial duties to undertake personal study, a retreat and personal development.  Let me assure you that there is nothing unusual in this, not do you have any cause for concern. A sabbatical is a biblical and historical practice in the church. It’s healthy. In the diocesan policy it is described as a time for:

‘a renewal of spirit and a reaffirmation of life with God as well as opportunities for creativity and discovery for both the clergy person and the parish concerned’.

I’m not away just yet. I plan to be on sabbatical from the 14th March till the 27th May, so I’m here next Sunday.  In my absence, Sunday services will be covered by Rev Scott Evans who was with us as a deacon Intern last year. Scott is currently the curate in Holy Trinity Rathmines. He will be supported by the clerical team from Rathmines alongside our own ministry team. Rev Fred Appleby has also made himself available for funerals and other pastoral emergencies.

I’ll be sharing a bit more about my sabbatical plans at the Easter Vestry. I hope you might come along.


Rev Rob

Service for Sunday 10th March (Mothering Sunday).

8:30am:  Holy Communion.

9:45am: Sunday Morning in the Gathering Grounds.

11:00am: Morning Prayer.

Sunday Sermons Available online

If you missed Sunday’s sermon, you can access it here –

The best way to keep in touch with what is happening is on the website. Details here:

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Click to view the full Parish Calendar 

Click to view all Upcoming Events 

Notes for this Week

Midweek Communion

There is a service of Holy Communion this Tuesday at 11:45am in the Meeting Room. All welcome.

Taizé Prayer Service on Tuesdays

During the season of lent there will be a short service of prayer with Taizé song from the choir using that ancient order of Compline.  It is in the church every Tuesday at 7:30pm.

Youth Night

First year to 6th year students are invited to a Make your own Pizza Night on Friday March 15th 7:30-9pm @ The Gathering Grounds. Spread the word and sign up via the website.

Easter Vestry 11th March 2024.

Please note that our annual Easter Vestry is on the 11th of March at 8pm. This is an opportunity to look back at some of the accomplishments of the year past and to look at some of our goals for the year ahead.

Craft Night

Craft night is on again this Friday 8th March at 8pm. We will be knitting without needles and making snoods! You can sign up via the parish website: or contact Julie at

Play Café Gets OWT!

We are delighted to be connecting with so many families through Play Café. It’s a programme that we are proud of and excited to be asked to shape and deliver training for churches looking to set up or restart Parent and Toddler Groups.

We will ‘Play for Palestine’ with some of our most popular invitations to play and activities this week, and donations will go towards the ‘Shine a Light Campaign’.

We are fully booked again this week, however last-minute spaces become available, so contact Lynn should you wish to join the cancellation list. Lynn 087 695 7061

‘Plates for Palestine’ – Play Café’ Supports Shine a Light Campaign

We are working on completing all the Hand Painted Ceramic Plates and having them ready this week. There was a huge uptake so we may need to prioritise those plates intended for Mother’s Day gifts. For those who missed out, this week will be the last chance to make one during Play Café. All your donations will go straight to ‘Shine A Light Campaign’.

Bumps & Babes

Every Wednesday morning the couches in the Gathering Grounds are reserved for our ‘Bumps & Babes’ group from 10am -11.30am. A group for parents, and parents to be. An informal, friendly meet-up to enjoy a cuppa in company, relax, chat and meet others in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, we invite you to come alone or bring a friend. It’s an opportunity to get out of the house with your little ones and enjoy some adult conversation. There’s no need to book. ! For more information contact Julie or Lynn

Kitchen Table Project Update

The Kitchen Table Project supports family centred faith formation. Each week we send an email to those signed up, with a simple idea to use during the week as a family. We aim to encourage and inspire families to nurture faith at home in the everyday.  If you think this is something you are interested in, or the time now feels right for your family to join in, you can get in touch with Rob or Lynn, and we’ll get you signed up. The structure of the initiative means families can sign up at any time without feeling they have missed out. Let’s pass on a vibrant faith to the next generation.