Dear Beloved Community,

The clocks fell backwards on Sunday, reminding us that the winter is upon us. For many this can be a difficult time, as the weather prohibits our movement, and perhaps even the dark nights dampen our spirits.

Last week I had the pleasure of participating in the Mind Matters conference. This was a great reminder about the importance of caring for our and one another’s mental health and wellbeing. We are better these days, I hope, at acknowledging mental health and wellbeing, but we still have some distance to go.

So, we begin by taking care of ourselves, by staying active and eating well. But we also need to reach out if we feel ourselves struggling. The Gathering Grounds, or a church activity / service are great and easy ways to surround ourselves with others.

Also, let’s keep an eye out for one another. A knock on the door of a neighbour on a rainy day can mean the world to someone.



Service for Sunday 5th November

8:30am:  Holy Communion.

9:45am: Sunday Morning @ the Gathering Grounds.

11:00am: Morning Prayer

Sunday Sermons Available online

We are now starting to upload an audio of the Sunday sermons onto the website. So, it you missed it on Sunday, or if you want to listen again or share with a neighbour, you can access them here –

The Sunday sermon will be uploaded the following Tuesday.

The best way to keep in touch with what is happening is on the website. Details here:

Click to view our Upcoming Services

Click to view the full Parish Calendar 

Click to view all Upcoming Events 

Notes for this Week

Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30

Our midweek service meets on Tuesdays. As the weather gets a bit cooler, we will be returning to the Meeting Room rather than in the church. Looking forward to seeing you.

Gathering Grounds Cafe

We will be closed from the 1st to the 4th November.

Youth Choir

Youth Choir is meeting this Sunday in the Rectory. All young people are welcome to join. More information can be found by clicking this link or on our website.

Youth Choir (05-Nov-2023)Our Youth Choir meet fortnightly in the Rectory to practice music and chat with other young people in the Parish. We have singers & musicians of all levels and are open to anyone who’d like to come along. We help lead Sunday Worship with the music we practice. It is a flexible commitment, understanding we all have busy lives, and we always welcome those who can make it even if infrequently. We look forward to making music with you.

Stewardship Month and Gift Day

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to our Gift Day during the month of October. We still have a few days left in October so its not too late to contribute if you haven’t done so already.Information about giving is available here:, or you can drop into the parish office. If you give a one-off gift electronically, don’t forget to label it Gift Day.

There have been a few gift days videos posted online. You can see the most up to date one here:

The Lead Mines Book Launch in the Gathering Grounds

Wordwell Books would like to cordially invite you to the launch of The Lead Mines: Ballycorus and Glendalough in the Nineteenth Century, by Rob Goodbody.  Come along on Thursday 2 Nov at 6:30pm.