Dear Beloved Community,
As our service yesterday we celebrated a baptism. At a baptism service we a given an invitation – we are invited to remember our own baptism. Not the day of course, because most of us were too small to remember, but what it represents.
We remember God’s love and grace. We remind ourselves that God’s grace calls us before we are even able to respond and that his love for us is abundant.
But remembering is also about recommitting. Each one of us has some way to show signs of our baptism. In how we volunteer, how we care, what we invest in, where we put our time, how we bounce back, who we identify with. It’s an opportunity for each of us to reconnect ourselves to our own discipleship and mission.
Rev Rob
PS. I’ve had a few ‘summer reads’ already, but I’d welcome a few more. Send me a short review of something you enjoyed over the summer.
Services this Sunday
Service for Sunday 27th August:
8:30am: Holy Communion.
11:00am: Holy Communion.
Note that the 9:45am and 11am services merge over the summer. We do encourage families to come along at 11am. There will be activities / colour sheets etc. to keep the children engaged in the pews.
Notes for this Week
Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30
Our midweek service is back this Tuesday the 22nd of August in the church. Looking forward to seeing everyone again
The Parish Choirs:
All Returning to Rehearsals on Tuesday 5th September
Contact Kevin our Music Co-ordinator at for any info.
Try Out Junior Choir:
Children from 2nd to 6th Class are welcome to come try out our Junior Choir at 3:15pm on Tuesday 5th September in the Kilternan Centre Meeting Room. Click on the link to find out more & sign-up for the event.
Join New Youth Choir:
A Brand-New Youth Choir for those aged 12+ will start at 7pm on Tuesday 5th September in Kilternan Centre Meeting Room.
We welcome those who like to sing & those who can play musical instruments.
Find out more & Sign-Up at this link:
Church Choir:
Our Church Choir is also returning after the summer break. We rehearse on Tuesdays at 8pm in the Kilternan Centre Meeting Room.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please email Kevin.
Music Teams:
Occasionally, there are some Church Services the choirs don’t provide music at. If you would be interested in helping out with music, whether through singing or playing an instrument in a group, email Kevin with your interest.
Gathering Grounds Cafe
We are open Monday till Saturday! See you over a coffee of for lunch Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Parish Website
We have a regular update of our parish calendar on our new website. You might like to have a look or save it to your favourites. It is particularly phone friendly if you prefer to access these things on your mobile –
A few dates for your diary
Blessing of the Backpacks – 3rd September at 9:45. We return to our 3-service format with an invitation to bring school bags for a special prayer for the term ahead. This is also the launch of our children’s programme for the year ahead.
Parish BBQ. Join us from 4pm on the 9th September for our parish BBQ. More detail to follow, but we also plan to have the rugby on the big screen in the afternoon!