Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, beginning the forty days of fasting before Easter. This year it falls on Wednesday 22 February. On Ash Wednesday, we begin, ever so gradually, a journey with Jesus toward the cross. We make a turn in our path. The turn in our path is repentance: realizing where we are and how we have gone astray and turning to put ourselves back on the right track with Jesus in clear view.

There is an ancient tradition of marking this time of Lent through penitential practices such as fasting or self-denial. Maybe you are cutting out the sugar or lessening your time on social media.  Equally you may take on a new discipline, perhaps setting aside more time for prayer or study of scripture, or through sacrificial giving to those in need. You might note the call to raise money for the Bishops’ Appeal to support relief efforts in Turkey and Syria below.

Whatever you decide to do this Lent, you might fine this prayer helpful: God, be with me this Ash Wednesday as I promise to live as my most authentic self, to act humbly through my faith and your word. Grant that I may go into the world and do your will. Amen. 


Rev Rob

Weekly Calendar

Ash Wednesday Prayer Meeting 

In recent years we have met online to observe the start of Lent through an Ash Wednesday service. We will do the same this year. We will use the Ash Wednesday service as outlined in the prayer book. Come and join us at 8pm on zoom:   Meeting ID: 854 4797 7275, Passcode: 232524

The Prayer Course

We missed last Sunday evening, but we plan to be back on again this Sunday at 7:30pm. The topic is Intercession. Hope you can make it.

Rector’s visit to Jordan

As chair of Dublin and Glendalough Council for Mission, I have the opportunity to participate in a Dublin and Glendalough clerical retreat in the Diocese of Jerusalem from the 25th Feb to the 4th March. I will be joined by our Archbishop and four other clergy from these diocese as we visit with the Archbishop Hosam Elias Naoum and a group of clergy from Jerusalem. I’ll report back on a Sunday Night at the Gathering Grounds (date to be determined).

Play Café Gets OWT!

We are fully booked up this Wednesday for Play Café Gets OWT!  We have lots of HEART inspired fun messy play activities with a variety of sensory bases, open-ended loose parts play, story and song time. This week we will read one of our Top Ten Stories – a story that will remind us that God knows and loves each of us.

You can join our Waitlist on Eventbrite  using the link below– it only takes a couple of minutes and each week we have last minute cancellations to offer out. Our new block of Spring sessions will be available to book later in the week. Lynn 087 695 7061

Bumps & Babes 2023

Bumps and Babes will be meeting on the couches in the Gathering Grounds from 10am this Wednesday. This is an informal and friendly meet-up; a space where new parents and  expectant parents can relax, chat, have a cuppa and meet others from the community.  So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from newborn to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend.  A warm welcome awaits you.  No need to book. For more information contact Julie or Lynn 087 695 7061