Dear Beloved Community
Rejoice! He is Risen!
We hope you have enjoyed journeying with us through Holy week and that you have had a wonderful and blessed Easter.
A huge thanks to everyone who made our Holy Week so special this year. We are grateful for Rev. Scott Evans, Rev. Rob Jones, Rev. Fred Appelby, Carol and Kevin for leading our Holy Week and Easter Sunday services. A special thanks to all our choir members, the decorators and flower arrangers, readers, and greeters, and for all who put together and ran ‘The Egg-citing Easter Story Trail and activity morning for families and Sunday Club on Easter morning, Julie and the Youth Group for organising the Easter Egg Hunt for the children to enjoy after church. It certainly has been such a joy to see so many involved as we built community during this season.
As we go forward as Easter people may we share endless joy, peace and love with those around us and in our community.
Kilternan Parish Team
Services this Sunday – 7th April 2024
8:30am: Morning Prayer.- 11:00am: Morning Prayer.
Both services will take place in the Church – view full calendar here.
Notes for this Week
Sabbatical Cover
The Rector is currently on Sabbatical until 27th May 2024.
For general parish queries please contact Annemarie McCleane in the parish office.
Email: Phone: 01 295 2643
For pastoral emergencies, you can contact Rev Fred Appelbe at
Gathering Grounds Cafe
The Gathering Grounds Café is close during Easter break from the 29th of March to the 6th of April. We will reopen on Monday the 8th of April.
Save the Date!
The annual Kilternan Country Fete will take place on Saturday, 25th May.
More details to follow in the coming weeks.
Dublin and Glendalough launch Diocese of Jerusalem Appeal
The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough have launched an appeal to support the Diocese of Jerusalem in its efforts to deal with the impact of the current war. The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem is home to about 7,000 Anglicans. It is also responsible for more than 30 institutions, including hospitals, schools, clinics and rehabilitation centres which welcome all people regardless of their faith or background. These include Al–Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.
Archbishop Michael Jackson has urged the people of the dioceses and beyond to support this appeal for the Diocese of Jerusalem. He said: “The deepening situation of distress and disintegration of human life and of human dignity in Israel and Gaza deserves our response and our support. I encourage you to contribute to this appeal as generously as possible to address human need and alleviate human suffering”.
You can support the appeal by donating by electronic transfer to: Diocesan Funds of Dublin and Glendalough No 1 A/C Current Account, Bank of Ireland, 2 COLLEGE GREEN DUBLIN 2 IBAN: IE50 BOFI 9000 1769 3548 78, BIC: BOFIIE2D. Cheques may be sent to Diocesan Offices of Dublin and Glendalough, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CF67.
And you can read the full appeal details here: