It is lovely to be back with you after our summer break. I hope you had an opportunity this summer to recharge and rest. A big thanks from me to all who kept things going while I was away.

You might do something for me for the autumn version of Klips. I’m wondering what you were reading over the summer.  For me, reading is part of my recharge. Few things give me more joy than reading a book, especially when on holiday.

Every edition of Klips has a book review section. We thought it might be interesting next edition to invite you to give a short summary of a book you read over the summer. Short reviews are invited – no more than 150 words. We would need to get them into the parish office by the 31st August.


Rev Rob

Service for Sunday 20th August:

8:30am:  Holy Communion.

11:00am: Morning Prayer with Baptism.

Note that the 9:45am and 11am services merge over the summer.  We do encourage families to come along at 11am. There will be activities / colour sheets etc. to keep the children engaged in the pews.

We have been able to keep tea and coffee going over the summer informally.

Notes for this Week

Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30am

Our midweek service is back this Tuesday the 15th August in the church. Looking forward to seeing everyone again

Gathering Grounds Cafe

We are delighted to be able open again after our summer break. See you over a coffee!

Other Happenings

Alpha at the Gathering Grounds

This Autumn we are running Alpha once again and you and yours are invited! We start on Sunday, September 17th at the Gathering Grounds from 7.30 pm – 9.15 pm.

If you would like to explore your faith and what it means to you or would love to encourage a friend or relative to do so, then this is for you!

Alpha is designed to spend a little time on big questions that can help you enrich and grow your understanding of life, meaning and faith in a fun and relaxed way. It’s for people of any denomination or faith, or indeed none. There is food, a video presentation, followed by discussion in a small group. You may have a burning question or want to say nothing at all – that’s perfectly fine. There are 10 Sunday evening sessions and one Saturday. It may seem like a big commitment, but why not come to the first session with a friend and see how you like it?

You can watch a video of what to expect here: 

You can register here:

If you have any questions, you can email me at

We look forward to seeing you!