Dear Beloved Community,

Mother Teresa is attributed to the following quote: “I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.”

These are beautiful words, a reminder that to love is not a passive or indifferent act, but an act that transforms us to our core and leaves us changed forever.  In the bible we are reminded that, anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love (1 John 4: 8). Love is an invitation into the very nature of God. It requires that we set aside our own ambitions and attend to something greater. Love is what makes a christian church more than a christian club.


Rev Rob

Service for Sunday 8th September 2024.

  • 8:30am:  Holy Communion
  • 9:30am: Sunday Morning at the Gathering Grounds
  • 11:00am: Morning Prayer

Sunday Sermons Available online

You can access sermons on –

The best way to keep in touch with what is happening is on the website. Details here:

Notes for this Week

Midweek Service

There is a service Holy Communion this Tuesday at 11:45am in the church.

Parish BBQ

The Parish BBQ is coming up this Saturday the 7th of September at 5pm in the Gathering Grounds.  If you haven’t already, please follow the links below to sign up and pay. 


Please pay for the BBQ using this unique link

There will also be a signup sheet at the Gathering Grounds Café this week.

If you are able to contribute a salad or dessert to the BBQ, please email

There will also be a few scheduled trips during the BBQ to the field for those who might value a look at the rewilding project we have been working on. There might even be marshmallows and hot chocolate!

Life Groups

The purpose of Life Groups at Kilternan Parish is to promote spiritual growth through authentic Christian relationships and the study of God’s Word. You can read more about life groups on the parish website here: If you would like to express an interest in participating in a small group, you can do so through the website. There will also be a sign up at church throughout September.

Youth BBQ

The Dublin and Glendalough Youth Council are organising a BBQ for secondary age young people on the 3 September in the Gathering Grounds. DGYC are taking the opportunity to film part of this for a promotional campaign, Parent will have a consent form for photographs and recorded images to complete. We would love to see you there. If you are interested, please sign up this week using the QR code below or at

Music Groups

Its a good time to year to start plugging our music groups! See info below

Gathering Grounds Cafe

The Gathering Grounds is open. Lunches are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.