Our Vision & Values

Living as disciples and making Jesus known

Scripture teaches us that ‘without vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18). Over the years we have seen growth and changes in the parish and community. The Gathering Grounds and our new centre complex has reshaped our capacity for ministry and mission. Thousands of new homes have been built in our local area, and there is little sign of that slowing down. If we are truly living out God’s mission, the church needs to be reaching and receiving them in new and creative ways. It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission – God’s mission. 




We do this by:

Building Community

At church, we are not once a week strangers, but the family of God. As such we need to develop the bonds between us. We do this when we break bread together, in church and outside of church. But we also seek to build community outside of ourselves as we embrace the community around us in Christ like hospitality.

Strengthening Worship

How we worship is important, it tells the story of who we are. At Kilternan we seek to offer a range of worship, cafe church, Messy Church and more as we seek to worship God in spirit and truth.

Growing In Service

We are not called to bless ourselves, but to bless the world around us. At Kilternan we hope to serve those in our community who need our love and support. If you might want to get involved we have a wide range of volunteer teams and ways to serve in the parish and the wider community.

5 Year Strategy

In 2021, recognising a growing community in Kilternan the Select Vestry, under the leadership of Revd Rob Clements undertook a parish wide strategy review. Hundreds of people from the parish and community contributed and a open Vision Night was held including prayer groups.

The result of this was a 5 year Vision and Strategy plan to bringing the parish to its bi-centenary year in 2027 which you can view here.

Our Team