Dear Beloved Community,
During the month of October, we want to highlight the themes of stewardship and generosity. We might consider October an annual Stewardship Month. This will also give us an opportunity to think about some of the needs we might have as a parish as we continue to serve and how your giving makes a difference.
I’m hoping to provide a weekly reflection on the parish YouTube channel on this theme – the first one will be uploaded tomorrow, and you will find it here –
We focus on stewardship and generosity because they are biblical principles, deeply rooted in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Through stewardship and generosity, we reach out into our community and share the good news of Jesus. Giving is enshrined into the very nature of being – God gave us this earth and its bounty and goodness, God gave us his spirit and his presence, and God gave us his son to die for us. Giving is not just something that we do when the roof starts to leak, or when the rector makes an appeal. Giving and Generosity are an extension of our worship and an expression of our discipleship.
During the month of October, there is an invitation for people to consider giving a one-off gift day donation during the harvest weekend. If you are not signed up for regular giving, perhaps you might consider doing so through a standing order or the envelop scheme. If you are able to do so, you might also consider revisiting your current giving. Your giving makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!
Community Harvest Big Sing Friday 13th at 7:30pm
We will meet in the church at 7:30 on Friday for our Harvest big sing. We have all the choirs in attendance for a harvest celebration. Come along as we sing our praises to God!
Here is the list of Service for Sunday 15th October:
9:00am: Holy Communion. This will be in the church.
11:00am: All together Harvest Celebrations.
Note that there is no 9:45am service. We are all coming together as we celebrate the Harvest. There will be a Sunday Club for children during the service.
Tea and coffee available after.
Harvest Donations
During Harvest, the church is transformed into a symbol of God abundance through flowers and the fruits of creation. Recognising the great variety and value of the foodstuffs we use in our daily lives we also gather grocery items. These we bring to charity who greatly appreciate our gifts. If you are able to send in a few food items for our Harvest celebration, these would be greatly appreciated and will be sent on to Bray Women’s Refuge – please check the sell by date.
Lynn and the team have the school involved in harvest activities in the church Monday to Thursday, so the church will be open during the week if anyone wishes to drop off any goods.
Harvest Flowers
If anyone would like to do a window for harvest, it would be most welcome. The church is being decorated from 10 am this Friday. Aisling and team will be there. If you would like to help out, they would be delighted if you could join them.
Notes for this Week
Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30am
Our midweek service meets on Tuesdays. As the weather gets a bit cooler, we will be returning to the Meeting Room rather than in the church. Looking forward to seeing you.
Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside With Toddlers)
It’s Harvest time in Kilternan! The initial forecast for Wednesday doesn’t look conducive for us being outside so for now we are planning on our set-up being indoors but do still dress for mess! All our fun, sensory and messy play activities at Play café Gets OWT! this week will help us to celebrate and say, ‘Thank you!’ for the food we eat. Lots of playdough crop planting, exploring the shape and feel of vegetables and fruits before using them to paint a masterpiece and lots more. We then invite you into the church to fill it with toddlers, babies and buggies for a story, some harvest singing – hopefully Rev Rob can join us with his guitar. Always great fun! Though we are fully booked there is a waitlist via Eventbrite which only takes a few moments to complete using the link below. Invariably, we do get last-minute cancellations, which we offer out to those on the waitlist. For more information contact Lynn or use the following link
Bumps & Babes
Our Bumps and Babes group welcomes parents from the parish and community, along with their newborns and infants, to the Gathering Grounds. If you are, or know of, a new parent or parent to be, who would like to relax and enjoy a cuppa in company this is for you! Join us in the Gathering Grounds Cafe on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am for an informal friendly meet-up where you can chat and meet other parents of babies and infants in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. For more information contact Julie or Lynn
NB: Some of the babies, along with their parents, might like to join us in the church for singing from 11am this week as we celebrate Harvest.
Gathering Grounds Cafe
We are open Monday till Saturday! See you over a coffee of for lunch Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.