A big thanks you to all who contributed to our harvest celebrations in weekend. The music was beautiful, and the decorations were stunning, from the creative kid’s crafts to the thoughtful window displays. How great to see the church so full!
Nonperishables and some fresh fruit will be delivered today to Bray Woman’s Refuge, and some of the perishable items will make their way to the Gathering Grounds kitchen. We try to ensure that nothing goes to waste.
Of course, as we celebrate God’s abundance, we need to remind ourselves that there are many caught in drought and despair. We remember particularly this week those in Gaza and Israel with particular emphasis on a day of prayer and fasting tomorrow. As a parish we hope to give a financial contribution to offer aid and support for those who live in the land where Christ once walked. Perhaps you will make this prayer with us:
God of mercy and compassion, of grace and reconciliation, pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation, that violent encounters may be replaced by loving embraces, and peace and justice could be experienced by all.
Service for Sunday 22nd October
8:30am: Holy Communion.
9:45am: Sunday Morning @ the Gathering Grounds.
11:00am: Holy Communion.
Note this would normally be an altogether service, but since we were altogether at our harvest celebrations, we will have 3 services this Sunday. You might note that it will be a Holy Communion at 11am
We will be using prayers for peace in the Middle East as part of our worship this Sunday.
Notes for this Week
Stewardship Month and Gift Day
During the month of October, we want to highlight the themes of stewardship and generosity. We might consider October an annual Stewardship Month. This will also give us an opportunity to think about some of the needs we might have as a parish as we continue to serve and how your giving makes a difference.
If you didn’t see last week’s online stewardship reflection, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XFcN8YN3Yc&t=2s . We hope to upload a second video tomorrow.
We take this month as an opportunity to look at our giving and we offer an invitation for those who might like to give a one-off gift towards our mission and ministry. Information about giving is available here: https://kilternanparish.ie/donation-form/, but there are also envelopes in the church labelled Gift Day.
Global Day of Prayer and Fasting tomorrow – Tuesday October 17
The Archbishop of Dublin and the Dublin Council for Mission have called on the people of Dublin and Glendalough to join Anglicans around the world in a– in response to the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land.
The call for October 17 to be spent in prayer and fasting has been made by the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem – the leading ecumenical group representing senior Christian leaders in the region, including the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Archbishop Hosam Naoum. You can read more about this on the diocesan website: https://dublin.anglican.org/
Tuesday Midweek Service at 11:30am
Our midweek service meets on Tuesdays. As the weather gets a bit cooler, we will be returning to the Metting Room rather than in the church. Looking forward to seeing you.
Gathering Grounds Cafe
We are open Monday till Saturday! See you over a coffee of for lunch Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Play Café Gets OWT! (Outside with Toddlers)
We’re in for a g-leaf-ful time this week as we celebrate Awesome Autumn and marvel at the stunning colours of autumn leaves and more. The weather forecast isn’t looking too awesome though in which case we will locate our activities indoors. We will have plenty of messy and sensory activities for everyone to enjoy from our mixed-spice playdough creation station, pumpkin washing and more We are fully booked again this week but do join the waitlist using the Eventbrite link as there are always cancellations. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/play-cafe-gets-owt-outside-with-toddlers-autumn-sep-oct-2023-tickets-326781782107
Bumps & Babes
It’s a joy to see our Bumps and Babes group grow and we delight in meeting your precious new-borns. We welcome parents from the parish and community, along with their new-borns and infants, to the Gathering Grounds. If you are, or know of, a new parent or parent to be, who would like to relax and enjoy a cuppa in company this is for you! Join us in the Gathering Grounds on Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am for an informal friendly meet-up where you can chat and meet other parents of babies and infants in the community. So, if you’re expecting or have a baby from new-born to pre-walking, come alone or bring a friend. A warm welcome awaits you. No need to book. For more information contact Julie gatheringgrounds@kilternanparish.ie or Lynn
Inclusive Family Play & Meet-Up
We have a few family spaces available for our first Inclusive Family Play & Meet Up of the season, for children with additional needs, their siblings and parents/guardians, this coming Saturday 21st October 11.30am-1pm. A small group session with sensory activities and play and an opportunity for parents to enjoy a cuppa and meet other parents. Parents/caregivers will stay and be available to their children during the session, however, there will be support on hand throughout. For more information and details on how to book a family space contact Lynn 087-695 7061 0r email lynnstorey14@gmail.com